Audi successfully synthesized a new plant fuel that can replace gasoline

Audi successfully synthesized a new plant fuel that can replace gasoline

On May 18, German Audi announced that it had succeeded in developing a synthetic fuel “e-benzin” that does not use fossil raw materials with the French company Global Bioenergies. The raw material for e-benzin is glucose extracted from corn. The isobutene gas was first separated by natural evaporation based on fermentation, and then iso-octane was synthesized by adding hydrogen gas to the gas.

The composition of this synthetic fuel is 100% isooctane and does not contain sulfur and benzene. Since the octane rating is RON100, the compression ratio of the engine can be increased to improve efficiency.

Global Bioenergies has started production of e-benzin, isobutylene, at the Pomacle pilot plant near Reims, France. Although Audi and Global Bioenergies currently use plant materials, the two companies intend to change the method in the medium term, using water, hydrogen, and CO2 as raw materials, using solar energy to synthesize this fuel.

Audi had previously worked with a number of companies to develop CO2 neutral fuels that do not use fossil raw materials. Methane "e-gas" is currently being mass-produced on an industrial scale. In addition, synthetic ethanol "e-ethanol" and synthetic diesel "e-diesel" have also been developed. (Reporter: Shibuya Saeko, Nikkei Technology)

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