Bathroom ceiling installation considerations to create a safe space

The installation of the ceiling of the bathroom directly affects the usage and safety of the next use. Next, Xiaobian will share with you the precautions for the installation of the ceiling of the bathroom:

(1) Key points for keel installation. At present, the ceiling decoration of the bathroom is mainly light steel keel, and the wooden keel is generally not recommended because it is easy to get wet. When installing the keel of the bathroom ceiling, pay attention to the leveling. The deviation of the keel should be controlled within 1.5 meters. The keel installation should be inserted in order. The keel, the boom and the connecting piece should be in the correct position. The material is flat and straight. The connection is firm and there is no looseness. If there is a suspended load bearing member, it is necessary to increase the horizontal secondary keel. The boom should not exceed 300 mm from the end of the main keel.

(2) Installation of lamps. For the installation of lamps and exhaust fans, the keel should be fixed and cannot be directly mounted on the aluminum plate, because it is easy to fall down and endanger the health of the family; if it is a glass luminaire, tempered glass and laminated glass can be used.

(3) Water heater installation points. If it is the ceiling decoration of the embryo room, first install the water heater. Generally, half of the electric water heater is exposed under the ceiling. The ceiling worker will cut the gusset and seal according to the shape of the electric water heater. The gas water heater is generally installed under the ceiling. If the pipe is on the top of the ceiling, just open the hole in the ceiling plate.

(4) Acceptance points for bathroom ceilings. The state has relevant acceptance criteria for the material variety, specifications, color, base structure and fixing method of the ceiling project. Here is a brief summary: the cover panel of the ceiling and the keel should be tightly connected, the surface should be flat, and there should be no defects such as pollution, cracking, missing corners, hammering, etc. The joints between the plates should be uniform and uniform. There is delamination; the hood panel that is placed on the shelf should not have leakage, penetration, and slanting angle. The keel that directly touches the wall or the ceiling of the bathroom should also be coated with preservatives.

(5) Tips to make the ceiling more aesthetic. Bathroom ceilings generally use a laminate to block all pipe positions to form a flat ceiling. If you want the ceiling to be more layered, you can use a wooden board to wrap the pipe to form a false beam, and then install multiple pieces in the middle of the dummy beam. The planks are made into parallel trabecules, and an aluminum gusset is placed between the trabeculae to allow light to pass through.

Through the above detailed introduction, you will be able to choose your own bathroom ceiling according to your own needs.

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