There is no layering in the house? Try a modern style partition test
The biggest difference between the partition and the wall is that it not only defines the space but also completely separates the space, and can distinguish different functional spaces, while maintaining the intercommunication between the spaces and the overall space. Let's take a look at what a modern style partition looks like.
For large-sized units and irregular shaped units, rational and clever use of partitions can not only enrich the spatial planning scheme, but also enable the adjustment and improvement of the alien type.
In the design of the partition, we must pay attention to the change of height, length, and reality. The specific design methods are various. In addition to the common fixed partitions, there are some flexible and ingenious treatment methods, such as the use of movable, folding screens to form a flowing "live partition."
This element is cut off in the modern home decoration style, the focus of the design is continuous, vague but bright.
The easiest way to do this is to use a transparent material such as glass, yarn, wire rope, string, etc. to make a part of the partition or partition to achieve a bright light effect; in addition, it can be made into a modern or Chinese wood by hollowing out. Processing methods such as grids and flat wooden columns.
Let's take a look at some pictures of modern style partitions.
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture one
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture two
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture three
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture four
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture five
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture six
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture seven
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture eight
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture nine
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture ten
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture eleven
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture twelve
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture thirteen
Modern style partition to enjoy the picture fourteen
Such a good-looking and modern design with a partition, the home decoration is definitely a very style. If you want to know more about the decoration, please continue to pay attention to the decoration home.
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