The biggest advantage of 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe is that it can be recycled 100%

The biggest advantage of 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe is that it can be recycled 100%. It is in line with the national strategy of environmental protection, energy saving and resource conservation. The national policy encourages the expansion of the application of 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe.
12Cr1MoV seamless steel tube mechanical properties:
Pulling strength (σb/MPa): ?490
Yield point (σs/MPa): 245245
Elongation after fracture (δ5/%): ?22
Section shrinkage (ψ/%): ?50
Impact absorption work (Aku2/J): ?71
Brinell Hardness (HBS100/3000) (annealed or high temperature tempered): ?179
The biggest advantage of 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe is that it can be recycled 100%, and it is in line with the national strategy of environmental protection, energy saving and resource conservation. The national policy encourages the expansion of the application of high pressure 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe.
At present, China's 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe consumption accounts for only half of the total amount of steel in the developed countries. The use of 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipes expands to provide a broader space for the development of the industry. According to the research of the China Special Steel Association 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe branch, the annual average annual growth of high-pressure 12Cr1MoV seamless steel pipe long products in China will reach 10-12%.

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