Payroll decoration rules

>>> The hut turned into a notebook

After buying a house, she lost her wallet, but the rough room can't live. Love is beautiful, but loves money more, so for the working-class people, the decoration needs benefits, but the benefits do not mean simple, simple, but simple, real!

â–  Although the "guerrilla" is cheap

No "Affordable" after sale

Everyone wants to take up the decoration cheaply, but not all the cheaper ones can draw on the equal sign. There is no free lunch in the world, and there is always a “cheap” for “cheap”. Please guerrillas to decorate this seemingly inexpensive "benefit", installed the house can not find after-sales service, a minor repair in two days, three days a major repair, annoying also annoying.

As we all know, decoration is a bottomless pit, how much money can be "loaded" into it, the best way is not to not climb, do what you do, how much money to do. Generally can take the method of clearing the work, materials purchased. When selecting materials, shop around and use the difference to save money. When buying materials, you may wish to use the common products of the big brands. This kind of product is often a mid-range price, but the quality is relatively guaranteed, but the fly in the ointment is that the style is generally not too fashionable.

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