Angular porphyry morphological characteristics
The horned porphyry is densely horny, mostly porphyritic. The phenocryst is mainly albite or albite-longer stone, and the dark mineral porphyry is rare, mainly biotite, hornblende and pyroxene. The matrix is ​​cryptocrystalline, with fine structure and rough surface structure. It is mainly composed of albite or albite-long stone, in addition to chlorite, epidote and calcite. Quartz plaques are visible under the microscope and often have a phenomenon of dissolution. The feldspar phenocyanea often changes to a collection of sericite and kaolin. The amphibole minerals are all self-shaped crystals with high sodium content, but are easily changed into fiber pseudo-horn amphibole. The characteristic mineral of this type of rock is albite or albite-longer stone. In addition, there are chlorite, epidote, and calcite. Dark minerals are biotite and fluorite.
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