Wax vegetable spray should be added with adhesive

There are a layer of white powdery waxy vegetables on the leaves, such as green onions, cauliflowers, and cabbages. When pests and diseases are controlled, the surface of the leaves is often covered with wax and the desired effect is not achieved. Therefore, a small amount of adhesive should be added to the vegetable with a waxy layer when spraying.
The specific method is as follows: Take 0.1% of the neutral detergent powder as the adhesive agent, dissolve it thoroughly with warm water and set aside. When dispensing the pharmaceutical solution, first pour a reasonable dose of the drug solution into the cartridge. When adding water to 1/3, pour the adhesive solution, then add enough water and mix well. It should be noted that lime, dexamethasone, sulphur sulphur, thiram, carbamide, thiophanate, carbendazim, dichlorvos, dibromophosphorus, etc. will lose their effect when mixed with detergent, and cannot be adhered with detergent. Agent. Pesticides that can be mixed with washing powder include chlorothalonil, phoxim, Bordeaux and pyrethroid pesticides.
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